In this article, you get the complete information about the dividend of the stock, when the dividend of the stock is credited to your account, whether you are eligible or not, and where to contact if you do not get the dividend.
It is the common question you got in your mind when you buy a dividend-giving stock. If you got this question then this is for you, so stay connected till the end of the article.
First of all, a Dividend is the amount of money you get per share as a shareholder of the company, it may be called the profit, reward, or cash on a per-share basis.
Now let us understand when you are eligible for the dividend or not,
Eligibility to get a Dividend
You should own the stock two days before the record date for the stock dividends. The ex-dividend date is the date two days before the record date. If you do not own the stock on an ex-dividend date then you are not eligible to own the dividend.
For example, let us say the record date for a stock XYZ is 5 March then the stock should be in your demat account on the ex-dividend date which is 3 March for this case. If you buy the share on or after the ex-date then you are not eligible to get the dividend.
When the Dividend of the stock is credited into the account?
If your bank account is linked to your demat and brokerage account then you will get the dividend directly into your account. It usually takes 30 to 45 days to credit the amount into your account. It also can be credited early to your account.
What to do if you don’t get the Dividend?
First of all, check that your bank details are up to date with the records of a depositary participant or demat account. In case of any discrepancy please update it.
If all things are good and still you do not get the dividend then you can contact with Registrar and Transfer Agent of the particular stock.
RTA is a SEBI-registered entity that provides services related to the maintenance of the registry and transfer activities of shares on behalf of a particular company.
The details of the RTA can be found on the NSE and BSE. The step-by-step guide is given below.
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NSE (National Stock Exchange)
- Visit to NSE website.
- Search for the company and click on the link that you see.
- Now go to the Corporate Disclosure tab and click on Corporate Information.
- Here you get the all information about the company and RTA.
BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)
- Visit the BSE website.
- Search for the company and click the link that you see.
- Now go to Corp Information in the side tab.
- Here you get all the information regarding the RTA.
You can call or email the RTA if you have any issues with your dividend. Trust me that your issue will be resolved asap. I personally tried and they corporate very well.